Solar Panel Production

We are capable to produce high efficiency panels at very low prices with the most suitable materials.

Home Setup

We enable you to set up your off-grid system in your own home with a storage unit at minimum cost.

Factory Setup

You can produce all the needs of your small and medium-sized factories with on-grid systems and reduce your costs to zero in the medium term by selling your excess production.

On-Grid Field Setup

You can evaluate your unused small land and turn it into an electricity production area and make a profit from the sale.


We enable you to become a partner of the giant electricity generation facilities established with very low unit costs by taking advantage of the size of the joint fund created by the crowdfunding method

DIY Setups

We teach you to set up your own off-grid systems like a jigsaw puzzle with simple instructions for small places like home, farm, cottage, coop, barn etc...

